How Freight Brokers Can Set Up A Shipper Packet That Stands Out

Описание к видео How Freight Brokers Can Set Up A Shipper Packet That Stands Out

A Shippers Packet is the first impression that Freight Brokers make with prospective shippers. The problem is not all freight brokers know what goes into a shipper packet and especially don’t know how to use it the right way to stand out.

Shipper packets are a customer's initial request from a freight broker. It is the first part of the onboarding process so it is extremely important that as a broker you get this step right.

In this video we cover exactly what, why and how we use shipper packets to gain trust and business from our customers.

So that when you receive your first request, you know exactly how to respond and of course, what to send.

And if you already have a shipper packet, this video will still be worth taking a look at because there is 1 thing we do differently with our shipper packets to really stand out from the crowd.

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P.S. Whenever you’re ready… here are 3 ways I can help you grow your Freight Brokerage:

1. Join our Freight Broker Accelerator and get RISK FREE training

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2. Watch my free Webinar

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3. Join the Freight Broker Network and connect with Brokers who are scaling too. It's our new Facebook community where smart broker’s learn to get more income, impact, and independence.:


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