The Altruistic Authoritarian Citizen

Описание к видео The Altruistic Authoritarian Citizen

Part of the International Social and Public Policy Seminar Series
Hosted by the Department of Social Policy on 7 December 2023

Presenters: Professor Reza Hasmath (University of Alberta) and Dr Timothy Hildebrandt (LSE)
Chair: Dr Robtel Neajai Pailey (Department of Social Policy, LSE)

Abstract: This presentation discusses the psychological profile of the altruistic authoritarian citizen. It leverages findings from the 2023 Chinese Altruistic Values and Behaviour Survey conducted by the speakers to discuss self-perceived attributes of the ‘good’ and ‘bad’ citizen, and how they interact with views on various social and economic issues such as regulation, income inequality, volunteerism and charity giving. The presentation also explores the sources of information authoritarian citizens utilise to (re-)affirm their self-perception of the altruistic individual.


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