[YGOPRO] OCG dragunity combos and core decklist.

Описание к видео [YGOPRO] OCG dragunity combos and core decklist.

Thanks for watching. LIST OF ALL images and BGM in the description.

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00:00 Combos
03:26: Decklist's core

BGM used:
Arc-V Sound Duel 3- Yuto's Passionate Soul

Background: https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/41154375

Sleeve : https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/54607219

   • 【遊戯王】デッキレシピ完全解説‼遊戯王のプロとCS入賞者が語る【ドラグニティ】  

Note-worthy choices translated for non-japanese speaker
1 mystil : not enough space, but its searchable by dragunity glow which itself is searchable by romulus

2 phalanx : no restriction on what you can synchro summon but isn't as flexible as couse when you cannot go full combo. However, some combos absolutely need 2 of them to function so really no need for a 3rd.

1 dux : Multiple can brick unlike senatus who can start the combo by itself. But being searchable by ravine means you can easily access it if really needed

D.D. crow searchable by Gae dearg if you already have what you need in hand.

Hurricane : Of course its a card to go second but going first it could still be used as cost for senatus, ravine or even (sided) forbidden drop


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