India - Summary since 1900

Описание к видео India - Summary since 1900

Let's retrace on an animated map a summary of the history of the Indian subcontinent from 1900 to the present day.
Patreon:   / geohistory  
English translation & voiceover: Rahul Venkit
Original French version:    • L'Inde - Résumé sur cartes  
Russian version:    • Индия с 1900-го года - на карте  
Arabic version:    • الهند - ملخص تاريخها الحديث  
Spanish version:    • India - Resumen en mapas de la histor...  
Portuguese version (Brazil):    • Índia - Resumo e História desde 1900  
Japanese version:    • インドの歴史  
German version:    • Indien - 120 Jahre Geschichte auf ein...  
Music: Distant Love - Causmic (YouTube library)
Software used for editing: Adobe After Effects
00:00 Introduction
00:36 Revolts
01:38 WWII
02:35 Independence
03:33 Jammu and Kashmir
04:16 “The largest democracy in the world”
04:51 China
05:29 Second Indo-Pakistani war
06:07 Bangladesh
06:57 Separatist movements
07:49 Sri Lanka
08:37 Religious tensions
09:21 Present day

#geohistory #history #india #pakistan #china #jammuandkashmir


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