Fokker DR.I OVER GERMANY Movie - when history comes alive.

Описание к видео Fokker DR.I OVER GERMANY Movie - when history comes alive.

Alex Klank -
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tailwinds-media and presents: "Mikael Carlson and his Fokker DR.I.

Mikael Carlson performs his Fokker DR.1 at Airclassics Gelnhausen (Germany). It was the first time, this magnificent DR.I could be seen on German skies.

Mikael told us, he'd like to fly the Fokker to the limits - and that's what he did. He performed a stunning display with loops, turns and other assorted maneuvers, showing the audience what the Fokker was - and still is - able to perform. Almost like a real WW1 ace.

Mikaels Fokker is a complete replica of a DR.1, powered by an original WWI Le Rhône rotary engine (110 hp) and is built with lots attention to detail.

This movie contains air-to-air and onboard footage (from different camera-angles) as well. A simulated dogfight with an Udet Flamingo was also part of the airshow and could also be seen out of the view of both pilots. So take a seat next to Mikael Carlson and step into the world of his "Flying Machines".

Thanks to Mikael, his wife Gunilla and his team for some really nice days and their support for the movie. Also big thanks to Uli Spielmann, Chief-Organizer of the Airclassics Gelnhausen for his good work and again, Armin Iffland for flying the cameraship.




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