My Grandfather, the LAST CANNIBAL in Vanuatu (April 2020)

Описание к видео My Grandfather, the LAST CANNIBAL in Vanuatu (April 2020)

During my pre-COVID travels around the south pacific, I met one of the most interesting but humble men. I went on a tour with Justin and Alex around Port Vila, actually 3 weeks after I'd already arrived, and it was one of the best days I had in Vanuatu.

Justin is the best storyteller. And he has a lot of stories to tell! I kept having to reach for my camera. MUCH more to come!!

This video is about Justin's Grandfather - the last documented cannibal of Vanuatu.

Justin casually slipped this one into conversation - and I just had to get it written down. Turns out, some reporters have previously found him and you can find the article in the New Zealand Herald here -

Thanks Justin and Alex at Coastal Inland Tours for an amazing day!


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