Hummingbird Rehabber Reveals: The Secrets to Attracting Hummingbirds

Описание к видео Hummingbird Rehabber Reveals: The Secrets to Attracting Hummingbirds

How to attract hummingbirds

My hummingbird supplies:

Feeder 1:
Feeder 2:
Feeder 3:
Feeder 4:
Feeder cleaning brush kit:
Nesting Material:

Other Recommendations:
Weather guard:
Ant moat:
Anti-collision Window Stickers 1:
Large Anti-collision Window Stickers 2:

In this video,
I will show you how to attract
hummingbirds in 5 easy steps.
Then, I will share expert tips
for the most efficient
and fastest results.

I am a hummingbird rehabber
and enthusiast.
I also welcomed hundreds of
hummingbirds on my balcony.
If you follow my strategies,
you can too,
anywhere from the North,
Central, or South America.

Whether you would like
to have a few hummingbirds
in your backyard or balcony.
Or, increase the number of them,
this video is for you.

The simple strategy for
attracting hummingbirds
is to get their attention
and convince them
that there is a food source
they can depend on.

Let's start with
How can we attract?

The first step we need
to follow to attract
hummingbirds is to
provide them with food.
They like sugar water
in feeders.
They love flowers
with nectars.

Lay out some feeders
and flowers and
they will find you quicker
than your Mailman
Expert tips on flowers,
feeders, and sugar water
will be in a minute.

Step 2 is to Ensure a resting
area for the hummingbirds.
They are incredibly energetic.
But they spent the
majority of the day perching
Unless they are migrating.

And to keep them around
We need to ensure
Resting places for them.
Otherwise, they will eat
And immediately leave.

Here is how you can do it.

If you have trees and shrubs
around your place,
prune them to create more
exposed branches.
Just a little strategic trimming
can make a big difference
and they will take full advantage of it

You can create perches
using thin wires
or by attaching small twigs to
structures in your garden.
Place them near feeders and
water sources for the best results

Lastly, You can also use hummingbird
Swings. Yes, they exist!
These are small, decorative swings
that you can hang in your garden

Step 3 is providing water.
Hummingbirds need water
To drink and to bathe.
They love water,
Especially if it is running.

Birdbaths and fountains
Work perfectly to attract the
hummingbirds who like water

A while after placing a birdbath,
My balcony gained several regulars
Everyday, they visited multiple times,

They enjoy the water,
I enjoy watching them
It is a win-win.
Fountains also work fine.

Next is a crucial step
to keep them around.

step 4, disallowing monopoly,
is a very important step to
maximize the sharing of the
food sources between many

If you skip this step,
There is a good chance
One dominant bird will monopolize
all the resources you’ve set up

Here’s how to ensure that
all hummingbirds get a fair share

Place feeders at different
locations around your garden.
If they’re out of sight of each other,
it’s harder for one bird
to guard them all

Hang feeders at different
heights and in various spots.
Some, in open spaces,
others near trees or bushes.
This variety makes it difficult
for one bird to dominate

Feeders with multiple perches
encourage more than one
hummingbird to feed at a time.
This can reduce aggressive
behavior and promote sharing.
When there’s enough space
for everyone,
you’ll notice less squabbling and
more peaceful feeding sessions.

Increase the overall food
Supply as more feeding options
naturally reduce competition

If you notice one bird is
becoming too aggressive,
try moving feeders or
adding new ones.
Sometimes a small change in
placement can make a big difference

Next is the final step
Then the expert tips
For a hummingbird have

Step 5 is providing
nesting materials

This step might help you
witness some magical moments

Hummingbirds use various
natural materials to build their nests.
Here’s how you can help
them gather what they need.

Avoid destroying spider
webs in your garden;
they’re more useful
than you might think!
spider silk is a critical
component of hummingbird nests.

artificial materials such as yarn, thread,
or cotton also help in their nest-building.

In my own experience,
I put out some cotton
out near the hummingbird
breeding season two hummers built their nests
around my house.
And I got to see an amazing journey mama Hummer
goes through
From nest building to laying eggs
And from hatching to the first flight of a bird.


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