Disneyland Paris. The Explorers Hotel. Travel via Eurotunnel.

Описание к видео Disneyland Paris. The Explorers Hotel. Travel via Eurotunnel.

Travel Vlog To Disneyland Paris as a family of 4. Travelling by Eurotunnel to The Explorers Hotel.

Hi and welcome to our new video where we travelled from London to Disneyland Paris, by Eurotunnel.

We travelled via Eurotunnel with the car and found the entire experience extremely quick and efficient and wouldn't hesitate to do it again. Once you are on the train, the whole train time takes 35 minutes, which is fast!

Once over in France, the jourey to Disneyland is easy, and the motorways over in france are wide, empty, and smooth, making the drive really enjoyable.

We stayed in the Explorers Hotel, which wasn't directly in the disney village but is part of the disney hotels. They provide a free shuttle bus that picks you up from the hotel and drops you to the disney village. The bus journey was around 10 minutes, so it was very easy to get around. The only downside to needing to get a shuttle to and from the village and hotel, is in the evenings, the bus gets packed, sometimes we had to wait for the next bus, which with a young child can be tiring.

The hotel we stayed in was nice, however, it didn't come with air conditioning, and we went in the height of summer, so the rooms were very hot! They also had no air conditioning around the play areas and restaurants, so kids playing in soft play was very uncomfortable for them.

The pool area was great for kids, with 2 water slides and pirates ship to play on. I highly recommend getting to the pool as soon as it opens at 8 am. because after 10 a.m., it begins to get extremely busy, to the point you have no space to move.

We deliberately chose this hotel for the swimming pool, soft play, and outdoor play area. It is a great hotel for kids, and just behind the hotel, there's a huge lake and running track.

Overall, we had a lovely time, but if we went back, we would book a hotel where we could walk back to after visiting the parks and one with air con in the summer!

We hope you enjoy the video, and it gives some insight to the hotel if you are planning to visit!

Lucy x


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