Old Fashioned Popcorn Balls - Early 20th century sweet for New Years Eve

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Happy New Years (almost... in a couple days after posting this that is...) and what better way to ring in the new year than with snacks. All the snacks. And popcorn balls from my husbands great aunt are just another great addition.

The difference in these ones however, is that it is molasses flavored... I've never had that kind before, it has always been either marshmallows or just simple caramelized sugar. These are pretty dang good in their own right as well.

They are definitely not overly sweet, they kind of remind me of the difference between dark and milk chocolate. Both good in their own right but totally different flavors with almost a bitterness on one.

I'd recommend them - they fixed my sweet craving the other day lol

Heres the recipe:

1/3 c molasses
3/4 c sugar
1/4 c water
2 tsp apple cider vinegar
1 tsp salt
3 tbs butter
1 tsp vanilla
10 cups popcorn

Get molasses, sugar and water to a rolling boil and boil until hard ball stage. (260 degrees). Add in rest of ingredients and coat popcorn. form into balls and let set.

music from bensound.com


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