The Future of French Fashion | VLOGUE | Vogue France

Описание к видео The Future of French Fashion | VLOGUE | Vogue France

Welcome to the first episode of season 2 of V(L)ogue, the series that examines fashion from every angle!
We are constantly surrounded by technology, including avatars, 3D printers, WiFi, the Metaverse and voice commands! So how does technology influence fashion designers? In our latest episode of V(L)ogue, Lena Mahfouf meets with innovative creatives, who are incorporating new technology into their designs. We meet the Coperni duo who designed the surreal spray-on dress for Bella Hadid, Christelle Kocher and Clara Daguin, her smart, light-up looks, and Scan Engine, the French experts behind the creation of 3D models and clothing. The lines between the real world and the digital universe are increasingly blurring. All of the guests that we meet in this episode explore the possibilities provided by the world of digital technology, and harness its power to make fashion more poetic and more responsible. Join us for this episode of V(L)ogue and dive into the future of fashion today.

Director: Simon Meheust - Tsygan & Dezik
Creative Development: Carole Ferrandez
Producer: Amaury Delcambre
Producer Assistant: Malo Huet-Leberruyer
Journalist: Louise des Ligneris
Sound: Hubert Rey Grange, Colin Larchet
Cam B: Isaac Mazeran
Cam Assistant: Robinson Doumbouya
Stylist: Jessica Falcao
Lena's Hair: Fatou Zeh
Lena's Make Up: Justine Declerck et Manel El Saoudi
Camille Benech and Christelle Kocher's Make Up: Hosdey Agency
Casting Video Manager: Adèle Ligerot
Casting Video Coordinator: Sarah Tauxe
Post Producers: Mathilde Romejcko, Agathe Romain
Editor: Simon Meheust - Tsygan & Dezik
3D Creation: Samy LaCrapule
Video Development: Louise des Ligneris
Programming Lead: Stéphanie Amaya
Video Operations Manager: Axelle de Benedittis
Head of Video: Thomas Leroy
Head of Editorial Content: Eugénie Trochu

Thanks to Google ATAP team, Camille Benech, Clara Daguin, Christelle Kocher,
Coperni, Arnaud Vaillant, Sébastien Meyer,
Scan Engine, Jade Schiff et Florian Croquet

#lenasituations #vlogue #voguefrance



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