"INNARDS" by Kaito and Cinci (Extreme Demon) | Geometry Dash 2.207

Описание к видео "INNARDS" by Kaito and Cinci (Extreme Demon) | Geometry Dash 2.207

"INNARDS" by Kaito and Cinci
ID: 54588072
Difficulty//難度//어려움//困難: Extreme Demon (Ranked 654/1059, Tier 24)
Personal difficulty//個人難度//개인적인 어려움//個人的な困難: Extreme Demon (Tier 22)
Attempts taken//嘗試數目//시도 횟수//試行回数: 1297 + 1015 = 2312
Enjoyment//享受//향유//楽しみ: 9/10
Least favorite parts: 39 - 41%, 58 - 62%
Worst fails: 63% x 2, 68%, 69% x 2, 80% x 2
Personal feelings//個人感受//개인적인 감정//個人的な感情:
Erm nerfed potential top 1 level. I think this level is extremely fun and enjoyable, other than that overtuned wave challenge slapped into the middle, but it didn't give me too much trouble really. I also think if you're not too adept at wave, this level is a perish at 40% simulator. The balancing is also rather back heavy imo, cuz the first 30% is just hard demon gameplay, with most of the chokepoints located behind. The song also slaps quite hard, and I had a fun time doing this. 41st Extreme Demon geegee

GD name: KoishLovesNino
Discord: _koish https://discordapp.com/users/60100532...

My 10 Hardest Demons:
1. "Arctic Lights" by Metalface221, iIiViRuZiIi, EndLevel and Hantein
2. "Hyper Paracosm" by iIiViRuZiIi and TheRealSneaky
3. "Sonic Wave Rebirth" by Serponge, FunnyGame and Cyclic
4. "Sonic Wave" by Cyclic and lSunix
5. "Generic Wave" by Pennutoh, Enlex and Cyclic
6. "Quantum Processing" by Riot, Hinds and Sil3nce (not uploaded yet lol)
7. "Bete Noire" by ThePurgatory115, Jakalope and others
8. "FIREPOWER" by Sillow
9. "Bausha Vortex" by Pennutoh
10. "Balengu Vortex" by lTemp, HJFod and ItsHybrid

#geometrydash #extremedemon


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