How To Check External and Internal Interference on 4+0 XPIC Link | Interference on MW link | Huawei

Описание к видео How To Check External and Internal Interference on 4+0 XPIC Link | Interference on MW link | Huawei

This video content about How To Check External and Internal Interference on 4+0 XPIC Link, Interference on MW link on Huawei RTN

Interference occurs when an unwanted radio frequency signal disrupts the use of the main radio signal. Interference may prevent reception altogether, may cause only a temporary loss of a signal, and may affect the quality of the signal.

Two types of interference on MW link:

External Interference: External interference means that there is an external frequency for other microwave links that are interfering with our microwave link. There are two ways that can be performed to make sure the interference exists:

1: Switch off the ODU at Site A and then monitor the RSL at site B. And then do the opposite. Switch off the ODU at Site B and then monitor RSL at Site A. If there is no frequency interference for the link, the RSL reading should be at -90dBm. But if there is an RSL reading in any value, meaning that the ODU is picking up the RSL from an existing microwave link that is using the same frequency. The link is having frequency interference.

2: Mute from the far end and scan frequency of ODU.

Internal Interference: When two or more channels work on the same link i.e. 4+0 XPIC link.

4+0 link have four Frequency Channels with four XPIC groups and four Carrier Aggregation Group

Two CA groups of CH1 and CH2 remaining two CA groups of CH3 and CH4.

One CA group aggregated with two XPIC groups if one XPIC group is mute then the other aggregated group will also be mute, so in that case remaining two groups will transit normally and can be tested for internal interference.

If the main aggregated group(Directly connected with ODU) will mute then aggregated group(Not directly connected with ODU) will also be mute. The remaining 2 groups will transmit normally. because the two channels are using the same TX, so they both are muted at the same time.

If the Aggregated group(Not directly connected with ODU) will be mute then the remaining all 3 groups will transmit normally.


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