The Road to Infernal Cape: Karamja Only UIM

Описание к видео The Road to Infernal Cape: Karamja Only UIM

The road to get an Infernal Cape on the Karamja Only UIM.
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UIM Karamja only Rules:
Only complete druidic ritual quest
Only use the island Karamja
If I do somehow die, minigame teleport back to Tzhaar directly
No bank

End game goals on the Karamja UIM right now are: Wc for fletching,farming,clues and 33 slayer for harpies and clues, con and hunter, jad pet, inferno theorycrafting, and max on aramja as far as I can. Goals do change over time but this is what I focus on right now.

↪ Karamja Clue Juggling explained:
↪ UIM Starters Guide Runescape:

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