Take a walk to the graves of Dutch soldiers who died during the war with Aceh in the 1870s until before the independence of Indonesia in 1945, namely in the Kerkhoff Peucut Banda Aceh complex, Indonesia. In this grave complex there are more than 2000 Dutch soldiers who were buried, including General Koehler who was famous for dying in front of the Baiturrahman Great Mosque when he was hit by spears thrown by Acehnese warriors who were defending at the Baiturrahman mosque. This grave complex is well-maintained because it is managed by the Dutch soldiers' royal foundation. Descendants of the soldiers periodically came to visit from the Netherlands to see their ancestral graves. This grave is a symbol of the resistance of the people of Aceh against the aggression of the Dutch colonialists at that time. @Denof Walking Around
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Berjalan jalan ke kuburan tentara Belanda yang gugr saat berperang dengan Aceh di priode 1870 an sampai sebelum kemerdekaan RI 1945, yaitu di komplek Kerkhoff Peucut Banda Aceh, Indonesia. Di komplek kuburan ini terdapat lebih 2000 tentara Belanda ya g dikuburkan, termasuk Jendral Koehler yang terkenal karena meninggal di depan Mesjid Raya Baiturrahman terkena lemparan tombak pejuang Aceh yang bertahan di mesjid Baiturrahman. Komplek kuburan ini terawat karena dikelola olah yayasan keturan para serdadu Belanda tersebut. Keturunan para tentara secara priodik datang berkunjung dari negara Belanda untuk melihat kuburan leluhur mereka. Kuburan ini menjadi simbol perlawanan rakyat Aceh terhadap agresi penjajah Belanda pada masa itu. @denofwalkingaround1001
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