Premijera domaće samohodne top-haubice Sora 2 Premiere Serbian SPH Sora 2

Описание к видео Premijera domaće samohodne top-haubice Sora 2 Premiere Serbian SPH Sora 2

#sora #sora2 #artiljerija #haubica #top #zastava2024 #prikaz #batajnica #vojskasrbije #serbianarmy #artillery #sph #gun #howitzer #naoruzanje #oruzje #weapons #armament #vojska #armija #military #army
At yesterday's display of the capabilities of a part of the units of the Serbian Armed Forces and the tactical-technical corps Zastava 2024, one of the novelties of the exhibited weapons was the Sora 2 self-propelled howitzer.
Na jučerašnjem prikazu sposobnosti dela jedinica Vojske Srbije i taktičko-tehničkom zboru Zastava 2024 jedna od noviteta izloženog naoružanja je bila i samohodna haubica Sora 2.


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