💩 DOS Madness on AOCG |

Описание к видео 💩 DOS Madness on AOCG |

In 2017 we showed this #Polish #DOS #Rare Flashback and its broken design... when devs called the awful difficulty level "an adventure" hahaha
Showed 13 minutes from it ... here is another snip from the 4h footage ... Some games become obscure for a reason

For Context : There is no Intro , the intro is in the manual ... go to a island and blow it up ... problem was health items , since you never will have enough to win by design (DOS Zorror horrrorrrrrorrrrrorrrororororroroorrrrrrrzzzzz)... or the many ways how one action can screw you over in a later date (nest of hornets, using the force field on the wrong screen) ... the game when you look at it is small . Can be beat if not for the cheating padding, in 30min.
There is One Terminal with some fancy animations, that you will see.(that is bugged , since it crashes the game when you start controlling those robots)
The main objective is to find keycards , use them , and push a button to arm the self destruct . Simple right . You even have Hard Save and Quick Save . Game is EASY RIGHT ... if you debug the ram to make you immortal ... hehehe

So, what you will see here is snip of the 4h thing from 2017... till we soft locked ourselves , and to progress you would had to restart the game from the start ... BY DESIGN . Since the devs from this found it cheeky to make it hard, and if you show you beat it you get a Prize ... and now you get why its so crap, hehe ...

"I" aka i - pulls out a voice recorder so you can listen to your conversation (1 plays, 2 stops)
"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,-,=" Weapons and Belts (one makes you invisible , one immortal)
` or ~ - hide your weapon to jump or run
Shift - Run if you press Left\Right Arrow , if Up Arrow you will jump or long (when you run) [YOU CAN'T CLIMB UP OR DOWN, you can only use ladders for this]
ALT - a little step forward or back (when pressed you can't fall down) , with a weapon you aim UP or DOWN with your arrow keys
CTRL - use GUNZ , or if you have other things use arrows UP\DOWN\LEFT\RIGHT to Throw it\Place it on the Ground\USE C4 [that looks like a Fucking MINE wtf!!! , then you press UP to detonate]
Enter - to use things\Speak with others
Space - to check your sanity
F1 - Menu for Hard Save
F2\F3 - Quick Save\Load

Now you see how to start the game : You start at the first screen , go Down the ladder [look out for the robot] , Use all Switches [but not the one near the teleporter , since you die] , then go screen left , pick up sword [run on it , you use it with key 1] , go now to the place you started the game , from it you now go right , on this screen since you pressed those switches you now have SMOKE aka steam from pipe , use the note to know your SECTOR NUMBER [5248] , use the elevator to go up and pick grenades and mines ...

NOW you can do a puzzle or go YOLO ... Puzzle is to go back to the Switches down the ladder from the start , use grenades to kill the guards (but not the scientist), go to the GUY that you did not kill [Press Enter], Try to understand him with Google Translate [lulz] since he gives you the code for the Terminal [Press key I aka i , to repeat what he said] , Use the Terminal with Enter , Enter the Sector Code , Then The CODE he gave you , and now you can play Abe Odyssey lulz... you first pick a Robot , tell them to aim on the upper robot not YOU [INTRUZ], then use the Remote Control Option and pick the one that can fire Grenades, destroy all ROBOTS in your way ... then got to the spot where those robots are to progress ... but the Console borks the game , yey

Yolo method ... use grenades on fucking all , how you can see here ... then progress to LEFT , Forgot to tell you can CRAWL when you press two times DOWN , so crawl , near the hole jump and get C4 , jump down , get yellow key card , place c4 where the key card was , go left , detonate c4 , use grenades to destroy the opposition , go near the left wall use C4 , detonate , go left , kill guard , use card on reader [press Enter] (before that go up the ladder and get C4 and then, read the note [remember it], go down , use C4 on wall , detonate , remember the note ? , use those switches , then go back a screen , to the right side , there is a door [its a train]

Here its tricky , you have to get the next card to progress . Kill the Opposition , use C4 up the ladder to blow a hole in the ventilation , crawl in go till the end when you get batteries for your belts. So near the train you have two good questions PUZZLE TIME OR YOLO : Go left thought the mines\robots\10T comical trap for those hornets to lure them to the Ventilation so they can kill the guys in the next room . or YOLO , open the door , kill them and go on jumping quest to get the next card ... but be ready to have enough health and the Belt Energy to pass a trap when you would have to get out [since you can't swim]

WE did not end here ... we ventured to end this ... but not here since you only get a snip ... this is more a motivation for someone ;)


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