Naples Ragu • The Frank Method

Описание к видео Naples Ragu • The Frank Method

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Music by: David Neves (@davidnevesmusic) & Everyday Magic Sound (@everydaymagicsound)
Composed by: David Neves
Video/Edit: Griffin Meyer (@imgriff)

Begin by browning your meat in the oven. It's important to use gelatinous, fatty cuts that are rich and flavor and will break down while the ragu cooks. Any combination of shanks, ribs, butts, shoulders, and sausages will be great.

Arrange the meat on a baking sheet and cover the bottom with water. The meat will create some fond on the sheet and the water will capture the juices and fats released by the meat.

While the meat is cooking, start cooking down your sofrito. Be sure not to put any color on the veggies. When soft, we are going to blend the cooked sofrito, using some passata to loosen the mixture as needed.

Once smoothly blended, return the sofrito to the pan with the rest of the passata and the par-cooked meat.

Let it simmer at the lowest possible heat until it resembles the rich orange color seen in the video.

For the last hour or so, drop in some fresh bay leaves to steep into the sauce and flavor it.

When ready to eat, cook your pasta (I typically use paccheri or rigatoni) and stir in the ragu. Don't skimp on the parmigiana when melding everything together.


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