Power Affirmations: A Sexually Confident Man

Описание к видео Power Affirmations: A Sexually Confident Man

http://Keystoseduction.uk ,No lasting change is possible without reprogramming your subconscious mind. To boost there effectiveness we have added three extra layers. The first and most powerful of these layers is brainwave entrainment, this you will hear in the recordings as a pulse or a beat in the background. The effect of this beat is to slow down your brainwaves, inducing a light trance in which the affirmations are absorbed more easily into your subconscious mind. As we slow your brainwaves down from your normal beta brainwaves through alpha to Theta brainwaves your will find your body and mind naturally relax allowing you to manage stress more effectively. Because brainwave entrainment induces a trance state it is important that you do not listen to these record when you are doing something that requires your full attention like driving a vehicle or operation machinery.

The second layer is to delivery the power affirmations with a voice that sounds like I am speaking in a cathedral. Research as shown that this type of voice is most effectively absorbed by the subconscious mind.

The third layer uses the power of social proof. We are social animals so messages about us have more impact delivered from someone else. To get the best results from power affirmation your should make yourself comfortable either sitting or laying down. And listen to the recording through headphones. It is ok if your conscious mind does not pay full attention to the power affirmations because they are design to communicate to your subconscious mind. The best time to listen the your power affirmations is first thing in the morning or last thing at night. But any time you can fit them into your schedule will be find. Some people like to listen to them when they come home from work to unwind. You want to listen to your power affirmation every day for 21 days. This is the tie it takes to imprint the changes on your subconscious. You do no have to listen to the full recording 10 minutes is better that skipping a day. So all you need to do now is to make yourself comfortable, relax and listen to your power affirmations.


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