I am Jouko Kivimetsä, the World's first Horta farmer

Описание к видео I am Jouko Kivimetsä, the World's first Horta farmer

Probably the first horta farmer in the world (horta is wild edible plants in Greek and nowadays an international term for it) sits back and relaxes to tell you what he is going to show you about this unique life style and farm. Which is situated in a unique place in the unique country of Finland. You will not believe what he has to say or show. Yet, it is all true. All you have to do is to subscribe this channel, ask questions in the comment column and you will have a tour of your life (maybe a real visit one day, who knows) in this very special place on Earth. And, it is all about the Earth. We all love it and want the best of her. Horta farmer will teach you new ways how to do it. Subscribe now!


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