Nagaoka MP-500 vs Nagaoka MP-300 cartridge

Описание к видео Nagaoka MP-500 vs Nagaoka MP-300 cartridge

In the golden years of audio, enthusiasts had the opportunity to listen to various equipment prior to making a vital purchase decision. Nowadays that is not possible with the scarcity of audio shops, Covid-19, and the cessation of listening opportunities at audio stores.
Thus the rationale for LP GEAR's comparative videos.

In this video, we have devised for you to listen to two of the top Nagaoka cartridges within the MP series: The ultimate Nagaoka MP-500, a Stereophile recommended cartridge for many years, and the penultimate MP-300. To eliminate volume bias, we adjusted the output volume to be the same for all cartridges.

Notes: When the line was first introduced, we auditioned these two cartridges. Along with the Hiroshi Teramura, then Nagaoka manager and former symphony conductor, we favored the MP-300 for its musical accuracy and prowess. Fast forward to the present, we have reversed our positioning. Both offer sound excellence as exhibited in the video. They are technically adept and artistic as the former orchestra conductor who developed the cartridge series. In terms of audience captivation, the MP-300 is the underachiever, a consequence - we think - of its position as the second to the top. It's easily being bypassed being second even though it's really very close to the first. Also, the MP-500 reproduces with better exuberance the vitality, energy and sound stage of the recorded music, creating thus a noticeably captivating and preferable musical experience.



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