AWS 172-[SERV]-Lab - [Challenge] Linux EC2 Instance

Описание к видео AWS 172-[SERV]-Lab - [Challenge] Linux EC2 Instance

#AWS 172-[SERV]-Lab - [Challenge] Linux EC2 Instance

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Step-by-Step Guide for Amazon EC2 Instances Lab Assignment

1. Launch Your Lab Environment
- Step 1: Click Start Lab to launch the lab environment.
- A Start Lab panel opens, displaying the lab status.
- Wait for the message "Lab status: ready" to appear.
- Close the Start Lab panel.

2. Open AWS Management Console
- Step 2: Click AWS to open the AWS Management Console in a new browser tab.
- If a new tab does not open, check for a banner or icon at the top of your browser to allow pop-ups.

3. Create an Amazon Linux EC2 Instance

Configure a Virtual Network (VPC)
- Step 3: Go to VPC service from the AWS Management Console.
- Click Create VPC.
- Provide a name for the VPC.
- Select IPv4 CIDR block (e.g.,
- Leave other settings as default.
- Click Create VPC.

Create a Subnet
- Step 4: Within the VPC dashboard, go to Subnets.
- Click Create subnet.
- Select your VPC.
- Provide a name for the subnet.
- Choose an Availability Zone.
- Enter IPv4 CIDR block (e.g.,
- Click Create subnet.

Create an Internet Gateway
- Step 5: Go to Internet Gateways.
- Click Create internet gateway.
- Provide a name for the internet gateway.
- Click Create internet gateway.
- Attach the internet gateway to your VPC by selecting the VPC and clicking Attach to VPC.

Update Route Table
- Step 6: Go to Route Tables.
- Select the route table associated with your VPC.
- Go to Routes tab and click Edit routes.
- Add a route:
- Destination:
- Target: Internet gateway created in the previous step.
- Click Save routes.

4. Launch an Amazon Linux EC2 Instance

Choose an AMI
- Step 7: Go to EC2 service.
- Click Launch Instance.
- Select Amazon Linux 2 AMI (HVM), SSD Volume Type.

Choose an Instance Type
- Step 8: Choose t3.micro instance type.

Configure Instance Details
- Step 9: In the Configure Instance Details step:
- Network: Select your VPC.
- Subnet: Select your subnet.
- Auto-assign Public IP: Enable.
- Add the following in the User data field to install and start httpd service:
yum update -y
yum install -y httpd
systemctl start httpd
systemctl enable httpd
chmod -R 777 /var/www/html

Add Storage
- Step 10: In the Add Storage step:
- Leave default settings (General Purpose SSD, 8 GiB).

Add Tags (Optional)
- Step 11: Optionally, add tags to help identify your instance.

Configure Security Group
- Step 12: In the Configure Security Group step:
- Create a new security group.
- Add rules:
- Type: SSH, Protocol: TCP, Port Range: 22, Source: My IP.
- Type: HTTP, Protocol: TCP, Port Range: 80, Source: Anywhere (

Review and Launch
- Step 13: Review your instance configuration.
- Click Launch.
- Select an existing key pair or create a new one.
- Acknowledge you have access to the selected key pair.
- Click Launch Instances.

5. Connect to Your EC2 Instance

Using EC2 Instance Connect
- Step 14: Go to Instances in the EC2 dashboard.
- Select your instance.
- Click Connect.
- Choose EC2 Instance Connect and click Connect.

6. Deploy a Web Page

Create HTML File
- Step 15: In the terminal, run:
sudo echo "
/!DOCTYPE html\
/h1\Mark's re/Start Project Work//h1\
/p\EC2 Instance Challenge Lab//p\
" \ /var/www/html/projects.html

Verify Web Page
- Step 16: Open a web browser and navigate to `http:///Public_IP\/projects.html`.

7. Capture Screenshots
- Step 17: Capture screenshots showing:
- EC2 instance's system log with httpd service installation.
- The deployed web page.

8. End Lab
- Step 18: Go back to the lab page and choose End Lab.
- Confirm and close the lab resources.


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