How To Propagate Sundews The Easy Way

Описание к видео How To Propagate Sundews The Easy Way

Sundews are typically propagated from seeds or leaf cuttings. When propagating vegetatively through leaf cuttings, most people recommend floating them in water until they root. I found that method to be useless as they tend to mold and rot before producing any roots. At least for me, I haven't had luck with that method.

What has worked for me is in regards to vegetative propagation of sundews is by placing leafs flat on to peat moss. The leaves remain moist from the moss and the plant doesn't have to acclimate from having rooted in water to rooting in growing media. An added plus is that they are less likely, at least from my experience, to start getting moldy but they also have a good strike rate with this method.

The sundew shown in the video is either Drosera capillaris, or Drosera rotundifolia. I had purchased them from a local grower who sells at the local farmer's market and it wasn't labeled.

I hope you enjoyed this video and found it informative and useful. Thanks for watching and Happy Planting.


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