The Story of the Red Queen & the Knave, Anastasia & Will ; Part 2

Описание к видео The Story of the Red Queen & the Knave, Anastasia & Will ; Part 2

For those of you who didn't see OUATIW, but want to know the story of Anastasia and Will. I condensed the total story to about 15 minutes, divided into 3 parts. This is part 2, which involves episodes 1-8. Oh, and "present day" Wonderland takes place at the beginning of the 2nd Season of OUAT.


Percy: Alice. She needs you.

Will: I didn't exactly leave that place on good terms.

Will: Next stop-- Wonderland!

Ana: I will get you those wishes.
Jafar: In return for what, exactly?

Ana: Will you indeed be able to change the laws of magic?
Jafar: To make the impossible possible. You must have some truly unholy desires..
Ana: Oh, that I do.

Alice: What Cyrus and I have-- well, you wouldn't understand.
Will: No. I suppose I wouldn't.

Alice: How did you get this way? Who did this to you?

Will: You've got this picture of Cyrus in your mind-- these perfect little memories of how things were. But maybe that's just how they were for you.

Alice: If you really believe that, what are we doing here?

Silv: If you ever had a heart, I don't know what happened to it. But then again, maybe your precious Anastasia used it all up.

Alice: Who's Anastasia?
Will: That is a tale of heartbreak.

Will: Because when somebody truly loves you, they can never move on.

Ana: You should never have come back to Wonderland, Will.

Will: I'm clearly not attracted to nice, normal women.

Will: Maybe you've fooled all these people into believing you're some kind of queen, but I know who you really are, Anastasia.

Will: Is this the part where you get to catch me escaping? Give you an excuse to kill me?
Ana: Oh, I don't need an excuse to kill you, I need an excuse not to kill you.

Ana: Don't be a fool now, Will.
Will: If I'm a fool, it's only because you made me one.

Will: I think there's one thing even you won't do.
Ana: What's that?
Will: Kill me.

Ana: You should know better than anyone that the surest way to make me do something is to tell me that I can't.
Will: Ya can't.

Will: Anastasia!

Alice: Stop him, make him stop!

Alice: He was your friend too, once. More than a friend, from what I gather. Or was he just a means to an end as well?

Ana: Sorry.

Will: If it wasn't you, then who was it?
Alice: Anastasia had a bit of magic dust.
Will: Bloody hell!

Will: The queen wouldn't be caught dead in a place like this. But a girl named Anastasia and I... yeah. We had a few laughs here.

Alice: Tell me why. Why you did all of this.

Will: You've got everything! What more could you need?
Ana: You, Will.

Will: You had me! All of me! My heart.. my soul.. my life. And you tossed me aside like a piece of rubbish. All for a little red crown.
Ana: I made a mistake! I see that now, don't you see, that's why I've done all this-- so Jafar could change the laws of magic, so he can undo the mistake and change the past, Will!

Will: You'll never have me.


Song: Pieces - Red


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