Majora's Mask 3D but Everything is Randomized! | MM3DR Ep. 1

Описание к видео Majora's Mask 3D but Everything is Randomized! | MM3DR Ep. 1

It's time for Majora's Mask 3D Randomizer! I'll be playing this on the 3DS emulator Citra. I've been looking forward to this randomizer and am actually a little nervous about how it will turn out.

Here are the general rules of this randomizer run:

— SONGSANITY - all ocarina songs are mixed into the game (Except for the Song of Soaring)
— KEYSANITY- All keys can be found anywhere!

Along with these "sanities", we have EVERY ITEM, Heart Containers/Pieces, Great Fairy rewards, Masks, Maps/Compasses, Tingle Maps, and more randomized in the game! This isn't TOO complex of a randomizer run... which will be a good start to help me get used to Majora's Mask Randomizer and item placement.

Well, that is the gist of things! Let’s get going!

Citra Emulator:



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