How to add developer tab in excel

Описание к видео How to add developer tab in excel

How to add developer tab in excel?

This one is for beginners. It may seem funny but you must understand this. You must have developer tab in excel otherwise you won’t be able to access some of the valuable features in excel like visual basic and macro.

If you are going to learn visual basic or if you need to do any advance task in excel you will need it for sure.

This is why I am covering this basic yet important tutorial.
If you want to learn all about developer tab please check this article:

To add developer tab in excel you need to follow the procedure stated below.

1. Click on File Menu
2. Select “Option”
3. A new window will open and then click on “Customize Ribbon”
4. On the right side you will find “Developer”. Check mark that and it’s done.

Now you can access developer option tab in the ribbon. Simple as that.

#Excel #DeveloperTab #Ribbon

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