EU Taxonomy – Implications for Sustainability Management

Описание к видео EU Taxonomy – Implications for Sustainability Management

Webinar originally presented on April 28 2021


Astrid Fellingham - Associate of the Future-Fit Foundation
Sven Beyersdorff - Partner at Nordic Sustainability
Michelle Gordon- Consultant at Nordic Sustainability

About the webinar

The EU Taxonomy of sustainable economic activities is signalling a major shift in sustainability management.

While specific requirements are still being negotiated on and lobbying machines are hard at work to water down the EU Taxonomy, both large companies directly required to report on the EU Taxonomy and those that are not will likely see a fundamental shift in how sustainability is defined in the business world.

This session will start by providing the basics and background on the EU Taxonomy, and then discuss the potential ways in which sustainability expectations will shift in light of these new developments.

As part of this session, we will discuss practical implications for businesses. We will also show how the Future-Fit Business Benchmark can be used as a way to support internal transition to the “Do no Harm” and “Positively contribute” approaches that the EU Taxonomy is based on.


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