Joey Brink - The Mechelen Carillon Concert - Aug 5th 2013

Описание к видео Joey Brink - The Mechelen Carillon Concert - Aug 5th 2013

Joey Brink plays the grand carillon of St. Rombouts in Mechelen (Belgium) and performs:

Sonata a Cimbalo Solo Sybrandus van Noordt (1659-1705) Arr. Bernard Winsemius
Air J. S. Bach (1685-1750) Arr. Leen 't Hart
Capriccio 3 Ronald Barnes (1927-1997)
Modal Nocturne Geert D'hollander (1965)
Sprookje Jef Rottiers
Première Arabesque Claude Debussy (1862-1918) Arr. Bernard Winsemius
The Girl with the Flaxen Hair Claude Debussy (1862-1918) Arr. Jef Rottiers
The Mixolydian Mixup by Joey Brink (1988)

A Swinging Suite
Geert D'hollander (1965)
1. A Sweet Soft Samba
2. Irish Air
3. A Crazy Ritornello
4. A Triumphant March


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