Prevent Cancer with this Nutritarian Soup Recipe + More Soup & Stews Ideas | Dr. Joel Fuhrman

Описание к видео Prevent Cancer with this Nutritarian Soup Recipe + More Soup & Stews Ideas | Dr. Joel Fuhrman

Soup is the ultimate superfood! Dr. Joel Fuhrman shares his famous anti-cancer Nutritarian soup. Plus, he's got this infographic filled with ideas on how to make soups and stews nutritious and delicious. From satisfying stews to flavorful vegetable soups, Dr. Fuhrman has something for everyone.

Making plant-based soups can be challenging for a few reasons:

With a plant-based diet relying on vegetables, legumes, and grains as the main ingredients, achieving the same depth of flavor and richness can take time and effort.

Also, plant-based soups may require alternative thickeners, such as coconut milk, nut butters, or starches, to achieve the desired consistency, as they don't have the same fat content as traditional soups.

Then there's getting enough protein. Plant-based soups may require adding ingredients high in protein, such as beans, lentils, or tofu, to ensure that they provide a complete and satisfying meal.

Lastly, plant-based soups may require careful planning and selection of ingredients to provide a balanced mix of nutrients, such as fiber, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats.

Overall, making plant-based soups requires a bit of experimentation and creativity, but with some practice, it is possible to make them both delicious and nutritious. And why not start here with Dr. Fuhrman?

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