A Glimpse into Royalty: Unraveling the Majestic Portrait of Anne of Austria

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The sitter, Doña Ana Maria Mauricia (1601-1666), Infanta of Spain and Portugal and Archduchess of Austria, was the daughter of King Philip III of Spain and Margaret, Archduchess of Austria, sister of the Emperor, Ferdinand II. Anne (in the French and English spelling) married King Louis XIII of France in 1615, and was commonly referred to thereafter as ‘Anne d’Autriche’. She did not bear a child – the future Louis XIV – until 1638. In 1643, she became Regent of France until Louis attained his majority in 1651. The identification of the sitter is discussed below.

#Portrait #AnneofAustria #1601 #1666 #QueenofFrance #PeterPaulRubens #1628
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