Top 10 Peaceful Community Fish For Your Tank

Описание к видео Top 10 Peaceful Community Fish For Your Tank

We know there are many fish out there to choose from which is why we created this list, we spent the time so you don't have to!

The ideal fish you’re looking for are peaceful and adequately sized for your planned tank. You might end up looking for some large fish, or opting for a flurry of smaller ones instead. Let's get started!

1.- Diamond Tetra
While not as common as some other types of tetra species, the diamond tetra makes for an excellent community fish. It does well with other peaceful community fish. It also prefers to live in a group. Oddly enough, these fish do best in odd-numbered groups!

The diamond tetra is a stockier fish. It still has the laterally compressed body of other tetras.

Size: 2 to 2.4 inches
Difficulty: Beginner
Minimum Tank Size: 15 gallons

2.- Zebra Danio
Vibrant and fool of color, the zebra danio is another species that’s a joy to watch. These pint-sized community fish feature bold stripes in colors of bluish-purple and silver.

Zebra danios favor open swimming space. They like to have vegetation around the perimeter of the tank, but open space is a must to accommodate their active behavior.

Size: 2 inches
Difficulty: Beginner
Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallons

3.- Pictus Catfish
Here’s a peaceful bottom dweller that pays no attention to what’s going on in the upper parts of the water column! The pictus catfish spends most of its time scavenging for food on the substrate. It searches for plant detritus, leftover food, and anything else it can safely consume.

Size: 5 inches
Difficulty: Intermediate
Minimum Tank Size: 55 gallons

4.- Rubber Lip Pleco
Primarily found throughout Colombia and Venezuela, the rubber lip pleco is a hardy species. In their natural habitat, conditions change regularly. As a result, this pleco can adapt to a wide range of tank parameters without experiencing too many issues.

Size: 7 inches
Difficulty: Beginner-Intermediate
Minimum Tank Size: 25 to 30 gallons

5.- Harlequin Rasbora
The harlequin rasbora is an eye-catching species with an unmistakable appearance! Pinkish-gold in color, the most identifiable physical trait of this species is the diamond-shaped black mark on the back. It looks like the markings of a jester, which is why they have their common name.

Size: 2 inches
Difficulty: Beginner
Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallons

6.- Bristlenose Pleco
Don’t let the odd appearance of this species fool you! It’s a big old softy that likes to stick to itself. Like other plecos, the bristlenose generally stays to the bottom of the tank.

You might see it climbing on the glass or munching on algae that grows on decor. But, these fish stay out of the way.

Size: 3 to 5 inches
Difficulty: Beginner-Intermediate
Minimum Tank Size: 25 gallons

7.- Dwarf Gourami
Dwarf gouramis are smaller than their bigger counterparts. But, they take on a unique coloration that’s quite appealing to aquarists. There are several types of dwarf gouramis out there. The most common feature shades of orange-red and iridescent white.

Size: 3.5 to 4.5 inches
Difficulty: Beginner
Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallons

8.- Neon Tetra
The neon tetra is one of the most recognizable freshwater fish out there! With stripes of red and iridescent blue, they are quite eye-catching. Pair that with their penchant for zipping back and forth and you have a fish that’s a joy to observe.

Size: 1.5 inches
Difficulty: Beginner
Minimum Tank Size: 10 to 20 gallons

9.- Platy Fish
The platy is another classic freshwater community fish. It’s widely available and pretty easy to care for.

The front of the fish is pointy. They have an upturned hinged mouth, much like a bass. The body widens significantly in the middle before tapering down to a wide tail.

Size: 2 to 3 inches
Difficulty: Beginner-Intermediate
Minimum Tank Size: 20 gallons

10.- Bala Shark
Bala sharks look remarkably similar to marine sharks. But, they are nowhere near as vicious.

The body of the fish is long and silver. However, the fins are sporting black and white stripes. The dorsal fin, in particular, deserves a special shoutout. It stands tall, giving the fish its shark-like appearance.

Size: 12 inches
Difficulty: Intermediate
Minimum Tank Size: 120 to 150 gallons

And we are done! But you know what? There are more fish! The complete list actually has 35 fish, so to learn more about it check:

Thanks for stopping by and happy fish keeping!

#fishcare #fishpet #freshwaterfish #peacefulfish #communityfish


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