M. Anis Ud Dowla - The Architect of an Industry

Описание к видео M. Anis Ud Dowla - The Architect of an Industry

Mr. M. Anis Ud Dowla, the visionary Chairman of ACI Group, emerges as an exemplary figure within Bangladesh's business arena with his extensive 32-year tenure with multinational companies, notably as the Managing Director of Bangladesh Oxygen Ltd. and Group Managing Director of three ICI companies which were later on continued as ACI Limited. Mr. Anis has continued to maintain the multinational culture and management style in ACI Limited, with emphasis on quality, productivity and customer services. Mr. Anis's leadership transcends the corporate sphere, as evidenced by his multiple presidencies of influential trade bodies, including the Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce & Industries and the Bangladesh Employers' Association and Federation. In his life's journey, Mr. Anis embodies empowerment, serving as a beacon of inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs and leaders alike.
Do you know how Mr. Anis contributed during the liberation war? To find out, watch the full episode!


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