Off-Post Housing Contract Services - US Army Garrison Stuttgart In-Processing

Описание к видео Off-Post Housing Contract Services - US Army Garrison Stuttgart In-Processing

Off-Post Housing Contracted Services

Pervin Estates LLC operates the Community Home Finding, Relocation and Referral Service Office for the USAG Stuttgart. Their offices are located on Panzer Kaserne, Bldg 2913, 2nd Floor, across the hall from the Housing Office.

APPOINTMENTS ARE REQUIRED. Please call or email to make an appointment.
Call: 0049 (0)7031-15-2230 or DSN: (314) 431-2230.
Email: [email protected]

USAG Stuttgart Housing Overview InProcessing Brief

The off-post housing website, contains the housing referral listings in Stuttgart. Services are free to military and U.S. government civilians. (Pervin Estates does not serve contractors.) All homes listed on the website are equipped with a furnished kitchen and light fixtures, and managed by landlords that accept the housing contract rules. Other external websites such as bookoo, immobilianscout 24, ebay, and Facebook can be used, but customers are advised to use caution.

Pervin Estates will assist military members and authorized civilian employees with scheduling appointments and provide up to three escorted home tours, and Off-Post Housing inspections. Pervin Estates will not provide specific information (addresses and contact details) on the dwelling units at in advance of arrival date nor in advance of the mandatory in-processing.

Service members and U.S. government civilians should not enter into a rental contract (written or verbal) in advance of the housing brief or in-processing step.The USAG approved Housing Rental Contract must always be utilized.

Pervin Estates provides In-and out-check inspections for military and DOD civilians, regardless of how the private rental unit was found, and even if the property is on the non-referral list. It is highly recommended that all military and civilian personnel have an assignment (in-check) and termination (out-check) home inspection. Initial in-check and final out-check inspections will be conducted with the service member or employee (tenant), the Landlord and one of the Pervin Estates inspectors. Schedule all inspection appointments with Pervin Estates at least 2 weeks in advance.

Produced by the U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart Public Affairs Office.


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