Caillou Get's Grounded Bloopers

Описание к видео Caillou Get's Grounded Bloopers

#caillougetsgrounded #blooper #bloopers #caillou #caillougetsungrounded #borisgetsgrounded #wrapperoffline #animation #groundedmode #vyond #annoyingorange

This Video Was Created Using Wrapper Offline, Bandicam, And Canva

Me - Joey
Caillou - Ivy
Boris - Eric and Brian
Doris - Jullie
Rosie - emma
The Bully - Mathew

Coming Soon: Caillou Abuses wrapper Offline Logic at school / grounded

Blooper Count: 9
Takes: 10
1. Saying Grounded 25 times
2. Caillou Get's Ungrounded
3. Doris Was Pooping
4. Annoying Orange
5. Boris Turns Into LAZY BORIS
6. Boris Is CaseOh
7. Boris Get's Grounded
8. Caillou Get's An ENEMA?!
9. The Bully Pulls The Fire Alarm
10. The Correct Way!


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