A Matter of Rank | Doug Wilson

Описание к видео A Matter of Rank | Doug Wilson

In this episode of Blog & Mablog, Pastor Doug Wilson continues his series of letters to a fictional nephew about the relationship between the sexes, this time discussing submission, headship and rank.

Enjoying this episode? Check out Doug's audiobook, "How to Exasperate Your Wife and Other Short Essays for Men"

Blog and Mablog is presented by Canon Press.

"This is why it is essential that you look for a woman who loves the Word of God straight, no chaser. She needs to love the way God ordered the world, she needs to love the respective ranks appointed for husband and wife in the creation order, she needs to love the Scripture’s description of these things, and she needs to respect and love you.

You must avoid, like the proverbial plague, any woman who cherry-picks her way through the Bible. If she has a high view of the permanence of marriage, and a low view of her responsibility to be submissive in that marriage, then the former promises to become your cage, and the latter will be the sound of her throwing away the key."


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