The Dali is out of the channel. What's next?

Описание к видео The Dali is out of the channel. What's next?

In a process that took more than 18 hours of preparation and had crews working through the middle of the night, the ship that took down the Key Bridge on March 26 was buoyant just before 7 a.m. Then - she was on the move, slowly but surely. With the assistance of tugs, the ship was towed the 2.5 miles to the Seagirt Marine Terminal, moving at a speed of 1mph.

For the first time in almost two months, the Dali is no longer blocking the Fort McHenry Channel.

"When it first happened, everybody was saying it would be months and months, six to nine months to make this happen. But it just shows what you can do with a unity of effort - federal, state, locals all working together "U.S. Coast Guard Captain David O'Connell said.



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