Managing Time Like a Pro: Builder's Tips on Efficient Scheduling

Описание к видео Managing Time Like a Pro: Builder's Tips on Efficient Scheduling

In this episode of The Curious Builder, Mark Williams dishes out his favorite time management hacks that keep him sane as an entrepreneur and podcast host. He chats about everything from time blocking and tackling top tasks, to keeping a good balance between work and family. Plus, he shares how setting boundaries and squeezing in some “me” time can make all the difference.

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The host of the Curious Builder Posdast is Mark D. Williams, the founder of Mark D. WIlliams Custom Homes Inc. They are an award-winning Twin Cities-based home builder, creating quality custom homes and remodels — one-of-a-kind dream homes of all styles and scopes. Whether you’re looking to reimagine your current space or start fresh with a new construction, we build homes that reflect how you live your everyday life.

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Alpine Hardwood
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Lake Society Magazine:

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