【新北景點】155 八里老街是一條沒有很長但歷史悠久的老街裡面美食小吃林立,從渡船頭可搭船至淡水遊玩,還有老街旁的八里左岸公園婚紗廣場很是浪漫唯美,除了來此賞美景之外也是一處大小朋友吃喝玩樂的好地方~

Описание к видео 【新北景點】155 八里老街是一條沒有很長但歷史悠久的老街裡面美食小吃林立,從渡船頭可搭船至淡水遊玩,還有老街旁的八里左岸公園婚紗廣場很是浪漫唯美,除了來此賞美景之外也是一處大小朋友吃喝玩樂的好地方~

[New Taipei Attractions] Bali Old Street is an old street that is not very long but has a long history. There are many delicious snacks in it. From the ferry head, you can take a boat to Tamsui for sightseeing. There is also the Bali Left Bank Park Wedding Plaza next to the old street, which is very romantic and beautiful. In addition to enjoying the beautiful scenery, it is also a good place for children of all ages to eat, drink and have fun~

八里渡船頭老街 交通資訊 地址:https://reurl.cc/QRg2lM
#新北景點 #一日遊 #觀光 #八里渡船頭老街


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