Srbija kupila raketne sisteme PULS i dronove Hermes 900 Serbia bought PULS MLRS, UAV Hermes 900

Описание к видео Srbija kupila raketne sisteme PULS i dronove Hermes 900 Serbia bought PULS MLRS, UAV Hermes 900

#raketnisistem #raketa #vbr #puls #sumadija #bpl #hermes #hermes900 #uav #bajraktar #bayraktarTB2 #elbit #ucav #missile #rocket #m142 #himars #m270 #mlrs #vojskasrbije #serbianarmy #hrvatskavojska #vojska #armija #naoruzanje #military #army #armament #srbija #hrvatska #izrael #israel #serbia #croatia As most of the world's media and a few domestic media reported, the Israeli company "Elbit Systems" sold these combat systems to a European country worth 335 million USD. The news is that the company "Elbit Systems" received contracts in the total value of approximately 335 million dollars for the supply of defense systems of a European country. The contracts include the delivery of PULS (Precise and Universal Launching Systems) missile systems and rockets for the same, as well as "Hermes 900" unmanned aerial systems (UAS) equipped with advanced avionics and suspension systems. The contracts will be implemented for a period of three years and six months. That European country is Serbia, which acquired them as a counterweight to the purchase of Turkish drones "Bajraktar-TB2" and multi-barrel M142 "Himars" missile systems for the Croatian army.Kako je to većina svetskih medija objavila i par domaćih, izraelska kompanija “Elbit Sistems” je jednoj evropskoj zemlji prodala ove borbene sisteme u vrednosti od 335 miliona USD. Vest glasi da je kompanija “Elbit Sistems” dobila je ugovore u ukupnoj vrednosti od približno 335 miliona dolara za snabdevanje odbrambenih sistema jedne evropske zemlje. Ugovori uključuju isporuku PULS (Precise and Universal Launching Systems) raketnih sistema i raketa za iste, kao i “Hermes 900” bespilotnih letećih sistema (UAS) opremljenih naprednom avionikom i podvesnim sistemima.


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