ESO Shade polymorph showcase (Male and Female versions)

Описание к видео ESO Shade polymorph showcase (Male and Female versions)

On this video you can see the movement and hear all sounds of this polymorph. This in-depth showcase will help you decide if it's worth buying.
I couldn't catch any sounds when using Jump and Dodge Roll abilities on both genders. Also, Male version is either bugged, or is lazily incomplete: it has no voice lines for riding a mount (it can only whistle for summoning the mount).
This polymorph uses dance movements from your character's gender, like Draugr polymorph. Another missed opportunity to give it Female dance moves by default, so our boys could perform some new stuff :(

I like it overall, but I wish this polymorph got an emote to perform crazy moves of Maebroogha The Void Lich boss (from Vateshran arena). For the price tag, I kind of expected that :(

0:00 - Female transformation
0:14 - heavy attack voice lines
0:24 - idle look and face close-up near the light source
0:41 - jump
0:46 - walking and running
1:15 - combat sounds. Break Free ability is bugged for 2 years now; it had the powerful scream accidentally removed. Until it's fixed, you can hear the proper Break Free scream only when using Dawnbreaker ultimate.
1:34 - voice lines with different skills, light and heavy attacks, Bash
2:24 - Dawnbreaker ultimate scream, also supposed to be used as Break Free voice line
2:32 - mount summoning whistle, giddy-up voice lines, laugh during a Canine mount howl
2:57 - Male transformation, idle face close-up
3:20 - mount summoning whistle
3:33 - voice lines with different skills, light and heavy attacks, Bash
4:43 - Dawnbreaker ultimate scream, also supposed to be used as Break Free voice line. Soul Tether ultimate voice line.
4:53 - combat sounds. Break Free ability is bugged for 2 years now; it had the powerful scream accidentally removed. Until it's fixed, you can hear the proper Break Free scream only when using Dawnbreaker ultimate.
5:08 - emotes cheer, laugh, angry; ritual emote sometimes makes the polymorph perform longer idle voice line
6:15 - walking and running
6:45 - idle2, idle3, eat emotes; playdead emote to hear the voice line for last breath
7:35 - Female emotes cheer, laugh, angry
8:29 - Female idle2, idle3, eat emotes

Also! It's personality, movement and idle emotes are not unique. They are the same as Accursed Death polymorph. Eat emote is also shared between Accursed Death and Beast personality:
   • ESO Accursed Death polymorph showcase...  
It feels lazy and disappointing if you own all of these collectibles, but it's nice if you only own Shade polymorph :)

It's been almost 2 years since this game got me spending some crowns on crates again :) But be very careful if you also fall for rarity of the item here, because we never know if this polymorph shows up on Seals of Endeavors store someday...
However, if you really like this cosmetic item itself, it's not a bad deal.

At the moment of posting the video, this polymorph is part of 25 Ragebound Crates bundle, and it costs 8000 crowns.


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