Prophetic Word: Prepare 7 years of Tribulation before the Sabbath Rest of Christ

Описание к видео Prophetic Word: Prepare 7 years of Tribulation before the Sabbath Rest of Christ

The Lord has given me this word for a while now. Things kept going wrong so that I could not release it. His words never fail no matter the onslaught. Push, prepare and take ground. God is calling us to pair up. To spend time in His word which will be our swords. Think of it was going into battle without knowing how to use your sword. He is calling us unto training camp for war. Warriors Arise Patriarchs of Faith Arise. Shake off the dust it's time to walk into the ways of old. Prepare for we are in the end of the 6000 year and the time of Tribulation will soon be upon us. We will need to stand for our faith before entering the 7000 year of rest. The millennial reign with Christ. Witnesses leave the old. An altar call so you can carry the glory of God into the ends of the Earth. #jesus #tribulation #endtimes #ariseandshine6001 #propheticword #patriarchs #warzone


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