Countering Malign PRC Influence in Europe

Описание к видео Countering Malign PRC Influence in Europe

Chairman Thomas H. Kean, Jr

Dr. Dalibor Rohac
Senior Fellow
American Enterprise Institute

Mr. Peter Rough
Senior Fellow and Director
Center on Europe and Eurasia
Hudson Institute

Dr. Ivana Karaskova
China Analyst & China Team Lead
Association for International Affairs (AMO)

The House Foreign Affairs Committee is responsible for oversight and legislation relating to:

Foreign Assistance - including development assistance, Millennium Challenge Corporation, the Millennium Challenge Account, HIV/AIDS in foreign countries, security assistance, and Public Law 480 programs abroad

National security developments affecting foreign policy

Strategic planning and agreements

War powers, treaties, executive agreements, and the deployment and use of United States Armed Forces

Peacekeeping, peace enforcement, and enforcement of United Nations or other international sanctions

Arms control and disarmament issues

The International Development Finance Corporation, the United States Agency for International Development

Activities and policies of the State, Commerce, and Defense Departments and other agencies related to the Arms Export Control Act and the Foreign Assistance Act, including export and licensing policy for munitions items and technology and dual-use equipment and technology

International law

Promotion of democracy

International law enforcement issues, including narcotics control programs and activities

International cyber issues

U.S. Agency for Global Media

Embassy security; international broadcasting

Public diplomacy, including international communication and information policy, and international education and exchange programs; and all other matters not specifically assigned to a subcommittee.

The Export Administration Act, including the export and licensing of dual-use equipment and technology and other matters related to international economic policy and trade not otherwise assigned to a subcommittee, and with respect to the United Nations, its affiliated agencies, and other international organizations, including assessed and voluntary contributions to such organizations.


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