Ghost Stories From Japan Episode 50 : Don't leave anything when you move out

Описание к видео Ghost Stories From Japan Episode 50 : Don't leave anything when you move out

I have a family business cleaning vacant rooms in apartments and other buildings for the next occupants.

At that time, as usual, I was asked to go to a room before moving in.

It was a 1DK property, clean and easy to clean for the previous occupant who had resided there for a long period of time.

When I finished up around 5:00 pm and was doing a final inspection, I saw that the top bag above the shoe box was slightly open and something was inside.

When I checked inside, I found rope-like objects, bills with writing on it, and old coins with a hole in it, all in pieces.

I thought to myself, "What, Why are they in this place ?"

With a question in my mind, I took everything out, and it amounted to a small cardboard box.

Some of the members who were cleaning with me said wondering, "is it some kind of spell or something ?"

So I just informed the real estate agent that we had found something behind, with a picture of it, and put it in our storage room.

After that, nothing more happened, and I forgot all about that room.

However, a few weeks later, I was asked to do a post-relocation cleaning.

And it was the same room.

The room was still clean, because I had recently worked on it of course, so the cleaning was completed in a matter of minutes.

I asked the real estate agent, "is there something wrong about this room ?"

And I received an unexpected response.

"Well, they said there was a ghost or something, I had never had anything like that happen in this apartment before, they complained and left in a hurry without paying rent".

He said with a reluctant look on his face.

I had heard such stories in the course of my work, but this was the first time it had happened in my own case.

To be honest, it was a little creepy, but it was our job, so we couldn't say no.

So we cleaned up quickly, and moved on to our next job.

Shortly thereafter, I received another call from the same real estate agent.

"It's the ghost thing again."

With that, the phone rang off, and we headed for our room, not feeling very happy about the situation.

Sure enough, the room was still clean, and almost no cleaning was needed.

As I wondered what was going on, I remembered something I had forgotten.

I asked, 'oh, by the way, I reported something forgotten in this room...what happened to them after that?

He said, "Oh, I contacted him, but he told me he had everything he needed on hand and that I should throw them away."

I got a hunch, and I thought that the forgotten items were the cause of the problem, and I asked him again.

"Wouldn't it be better to talk to the previous resident again and explain what happened ?"

So the real estate agent called him immediately.

When he explained him in detail, the former resident said, "oh, that's my ancestor."

He said, It has been haunting him for a long time, but since it had no effect on him, he had left it in his bag and forgotten about it.

And he continued, "it is not a bad one, so please don't worry about it."

But real estate agent replied, "even if you say so, it's not good for us, can't you do something about it ?"

And the former resident answered, "well, without bills and old coins, I don't know what to do, I didn't think I would need them anymore either, You did throw them away, didn't you ?"

Hearing this conversation, I interrupted, "I still have all of them in storage !"

I had been having trouble disposing of them, so it was a blessing in disguise to be able to return them to their owners.

Surprisingly, the ghosts that used to haunt the room are now all gone, and the room is now being used without any troubles.

When you move to a new place, please make sure that you have not left anything behind.


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