শ্বাসনালী / ফুসফুস থেকে পিন বের করা Foreign Body Removal । NIDCH

Описание к видео শ্বাসনালী / ফুসফুস থেকে পিন বের করা Foreign Body Removal । NIDCH

#foreignbodyremoval #NIDCH

National Institute of Diseases of the Chest and Hospital (NIDCH) is situated in Mohakhali, Dhaka. At first it was established in the year 1955 as “TB Hospital”. Later on after liberation war in the year 1971, it was designated as Institute. It has four goals:

(i) Providing highest possible management for chest and tuberculosis related diseases.
(ii) Providing adequate support and training facilities future Post Graduate Doctors.
(iii) Conducting research works, related to chest disease and tuberculosis.
(iv) Arranging awareness program among general population and dissemination of current knowledge regarding tuberculosis and chest diseases among general Physicians.

The institute having 670 beds. Half of them are allocated for the department of Respiratory Medicine. There are 12 units in department of Respiratory Medicine and 5 units of Thoracic Surgery departments. Each unit is located by a Professor/Associate Professor. We have fully equipped Asthma Center. It provides following facilities:

1. Well-equipped operation Theater (OT) complex is situated at the 4th floor of asthma Centre. Major and minor thoracic surgeries are done here by our qualified and experienced specialized surgeons.
2. Respiratory Laboratory: Having 2 body box, by which complete lung function including spirometry, DLCO and Plethysmography are performed. It has a;so a CPET machine by which cardio-pulmonary exercise test is perform.
3. Sleep Lab: here Polysomnography is performed.
4. Respiratory ICU: mainly providing support to the patients of Respiratory Diseases.
5. We have also Telemedicine department providing specialized health care facilities on respiratory diseases to the grass root people.
6. There is a Smoking quitting center providing support to smokers, who want to quit smoking.
7. We have a rich and well equipped endoscopic department, which possesses following instruments:
(i) Three fibre optic bronchoscope (FOB).
(ii) A SAFE machine, stands for simultaneous auto-fluence endoscopy for early diagnosis of bronchial carcinoma.
(iii) A EBUS-TBNA machine which stands for endobronchial ultrasound with Trans Bronchial Needle Aspiration.
(iv) Pleuroscope (semirigid) for pleural biopsy.
(v) APC machine for Argon Plasma coagulation
(vi) A simulator machine for endoscopic practice of the students.
(vii) There is a well-equipped USG machine for performing USG of chest and related sonoguided procedures.

8. There is a HTC center which is stands for HIV testing and counseling.
9. We have also a well-established Physical Medicine department. All type of chest physiotherapy is provided to the patients.
10. Asthma Center having a health education room. Where patients are educated regarding various asthma devices. It provided various asthma related booklet to the patients.
11. We also have HDU ward, here it is recognized it as RCU (Respiratory Care Unit).Where we provide B:PAP support (part of NIV).

Our Emergency Department is always open and provide support day and night.

We have a DOTS corner in OPD. Delivery all types of anti TB drug at free of cost.

We have a special ward for Drug resistance tuberculosis. All MDR, Pre-XDR and XDR patient received treatment from here.

We have a WHO recognized well equipped laboratory named as NTRL (National Tuberculosis Reference Laboratory). All type of microbiological investigations related to tuberculosis are performed here.

We also provide all type of Radiological investigation support like X-ray, CT scan, USG etc at minimum cost.

Everyday about forty patients are admitted in the department of Pulmonology. But still a good number of patients are remaining in waiting list. Our Government is taking measures to increase the number of bed to 1500.

This Video Chapter -
0:00 - NIDCH intro
0:10 - Problem
0:50 - What Is Foreign Body
01:50 - Problem Finding
02:25 - Device
01:45 - Require Test
03:00 - Warning
03:24 - Thanking You

Address: Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Phone: 88-02-55067131 - 40
Mobile: 013********
Email: [email protected]


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