成语故事 Chinese Idiom 3 Japanese Subtitled Videos 2

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This article selects 10 idioms originating from Chinese historical allusions and explains their etymology, meanings and significance. These idioms showcase the wisdom of the Chinese nation and contain profound philosophies on life. By learning these idioms, we can deepen our understanding of China’s excellent traditional culture and absorb the life wisdom of our forebears.

Chinese Idiom 3
1. 破釜沉舟 (burn one’s bridges) 5
2. 东窗事发 (The secret is out) 8
3. 司空见惯(The commonplace) 10
4. 成竹在胸 (have a well-thought-out plan) 13
5. 赤膊上阵 (fight with one’s bare hands) 15
6. 黄袍加身 (be awarded a yellow robe) 18
7. 洛阳纸贵 (a popular work of art) 21
8. 背水一战 (fighting with one’s back to the wall) 24
9. 闻鸡起舞 (work hard and get up early) 26
10. 初出茅庐 (inexperienced) 28


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