the hero (lyrics in description-another old song i rarely feel compelled to sing)

Описание к видео the hero (lyrics in description-another old song i rarely feel compelled to sing)

there once was a man who was blind deaf and dumb he was a digger of great mountains and he slept through his days fully dead to his pain like he'd lost it with his shadow but he knew who he was and all he could be he was certain he had seen all that there was to be seen but that sad little man was not moved by thing and that was the story of his life until one perfect day in the sun and the rain he was thinking he was dreaming and he wandered away to magical place that was hiding it was waiting in the back of his mind for just him to find like a small seed that knew it would be a great giving tree burning with fruit that's too sweet to be seen and the was the day that saved his life so he dropped to his knees and he planted that seed like a lover like a mother he watched as it grew to be fruitful and true it was taking this man over and soon he was pushed to the edge of a cliff he was hanging he was holding on to his little self too scared to believe that letting go helps but that would all change with good time
cause the stars in the sky sang sweet songs for his eyes they were burning they were yearning to light up his way through darkness and pain he was dying he was crying out but he swallowed those tears and cleaned all his fears he was shining like the diamonds that are raised from the deep released from the pain of a life drowned in sleep and that was the death of his small self looking down at his grave he could see the sad face of liar lifted higher by using himself gaining everything else like that fruit tree that was burning but would not be consumed he was there to be used and he knew it he bowed down to it with his arms spread so wide he could hug the whole world for all days and all nights and to serve was all that he wanted with his feet in the clouds and his head underground he was inside out and turned upside down and those mountains he dug are now towers of love built with true seeds burning to become trees and as 12 years went by he dreamed the whole time of a great butterfly shedding it lies and he soared through the sky using the sun and the moon for his eyes he saw this world as heaven


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