Alpini troops' anthem: "LA TRENTATRE' " (The thirty three) ENG sub. - WW2 footages

Описание к видео Alpini troops' anthem: "LA TRENTATRE' " (The thirty three) ENG sub. - WW2 footages

The Alpini are the mountain troops of the Italian Army, as they were for the Royal Army.
The Alpini were born in 1872, and they are the oldest active Mountain Infantry Corps in the world, originally created to protect Italy's northern mountain borders.
The Italian mountain troops fought hard during the first and second world wars ,showing skills in hard territories and bravery; after the reorganization of the army around the 90's with the end of the cold war, some alpini brigades got disbanded; in modern times, Alpini troops are fighting in NATO's perhaps in pacekeeping operations.

the anthem (as for other songs and chants) is sang in the classic "a cappella" style,tipical of the Alpini troops-

"Dai fidi tetti del villaggio
I bravi alpini son partiti.
Mostran la forza ed il coraggio
Della loro salda gioventù.
Son dell'Alpe i bei cadetti,
Nella robusta giovinezza:
Dai loro baldi e forti petti
Spira un'indomita fierezza.

Oh valore alpin,
Difendi sempre la frontiera!
E là sul confin
Tien sempre alta la Bandiera.
Sentinella all'erta
Per il suol nostro italiano.
Dove ancor sorride
E più benigno irradia il sol."


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