Nanoha StrikerS BGM Change - Dividing Driver (redo)

Описание к видео Nanoha StrikerS BGM Change - Dividing Driver (redo)

First off, full credit to HollowIchigo for having the idea and doing this first.
I figured it deserved better video quality, and also made it a technical exercise for myself to see how well I could remove the original music and thus improve the audio, too. Hope he doesn't mind!

For those interested, I did it by lining up the original track from the OST (Ace to Ace) in Audacity and inverting it. If the two are perfectly lined up, uncompressed, and at the same volume, they'll cancel eachother out, leaving only the dialogue and SFX (try this with the karaoke version of a song and you can isolate the vocals, for example).

In this case, the process was heavily complicated by:
1. Compression on the audio from the episode.
2. A different sampling rate, which made perfectly lining it up technically impossible.
3. Volume changes (which I had to match).
4. The track was cut in a couple of places.

Overall I think managed fairly well, but bits of the original audio would always creep through (especially in the upper ranges). The Expander filter in Premiere helped (makes louds louder and quiets quieter), and most problems are masked pretty well by the music, but some parts just wouldn't cooperate at all (mostly Quattros "Iie..." just before she screams and runs, where you can hear the ending of Ace to Ace come through quite clearly). Can't have it all, I guess.

Includes English subtitles as captions.


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