Flannan Islands Lighthouse incident/ Disappeared lighthouse keepers

Описание к видео Flannan Islands Lighthouse incident/ Disappeared lighthouse keepers

Hello! There is a video on YouTube titled “The Flannan Isles Lighthouse Mystery / Disappearance of Lighthouse Keepers.” It investigates the mysterious disappearance of three keepers who were stationed at the Eilean Mor lighthouse in 1900. The story revolves around the three keepers—Thomas Marshall, James Ducat, and Donald MacArthur. Although the exact reason for their disappearance remains unknown, this enigmatic event continues to be an unsolved mystery . Additionally, it’s worth noting that the Flannan Isles Lighthouse was built on an island associated with peculiarities and had no inhabitants other than sheepherders who refused to stay on the island after dark. The incident of the keepers’ disappearance was officially recorded as an accident, but it significantly impacted the reputation of the lighthouse institution.


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