AnyConnect VPN on FTD with DUO MFA and ISE Posture Validation

Описание к видео AnyConnect VPN on FTD with DUO MFA and ISE Posture Validation

the video tutorial covers a combination of AnyConnect VPN on FTD with DUO for MFA and the perform Posture Validation of Endpoint Using ISE posture service to check Windows Bit Locker, AMP for Endpoint version, Windows Firewall and Windows Bit Defender to be running and up to date.

There are 2 Workflows with use of DUO Auth Proxy Service. This video only covers the 1st Workflow using both DUO Auth Proxy and ISE RADUIS Server.

I would like to thank My friend Anand Kanani for awesome pod to test this out. and Pratik Gandhi to share the customer use case


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