Beating Remnant 2 With The Most DISAPPOINTING Gun (Crit Build)

Описание к видео Beating Remnant 2 With The Most DISAPPOINTING Gun (Crit Build)

This is a Challenge Run I completed In Remnant 2 just before the recent patch. The idea was to see how good Anguish actually would be compared to its original version. The build guide is more of a here's what I used thing as the patch added several changes that greatly affect the game. Also, this run kind of proves how much we needed the patch as everything that could go wrong... did. Anguish is still underperforming even after getting fixed so let's hope it gets a buff in the future. But for now, enjoy one of the most difficult runs to exist in Remnant 2.

Remnant 2 is a direct sequel to the Remnant From The Ashes Game that came out a few years ago. It appears to take place further in the future with root corrupting the jungle area almost completely, and Ford being an old man. The game will have 3 player coop with brand new worlds to explore and plenty of weapons to try out. Already we have seen at least 5 massive bosses and items such as a pistol, barrel shotgun, saw blade, and best of all a bow. This game will be coming out sometime in 2023 and it will have branching quest lines, augments, crafting, and plenty of loot rewards. The first game was an absolute blast and this sequel is shaping up to be an excellent addition to the series.

00:00 Intro
00:34 Build Overview
03:00 Legion
05:36 Shrewd
08:12 Ravager
10:52 Labyrinth Sentinal
14:00 Huntress Fiasco
16:28 Sunken Witch
21:42 Red Prince
25:22 Faelin
28:50 Hatchery
31:30 Custodian's Eye
35:04 Tal'Ratha
38:24 Cancer
39:50 Venom
42:45 Annihilation
48:10 Full Build
48:25 Outro

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Beating Remnant 2 With The Most DISAPPOINTING Gun (Crit Build)

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